It's time for Dinner at Christina's monthly give-away on the 23rd!
This month's prize is a bottle of Annie's Natural Cucumber Yogurt Dressing!
For your chance to win, just leave a comment below with your guess as to how many jujubes are in this glass! The nearest guess, without going over, will win! In the event of a tie, the person who left their comment first will win. Contest will end Sunday, March 1st at 8 p.m. (central time) Please only continental US residents!
My guess is 67!
My guess is 100 jujubes!!! :)
Hi girlie how are you??? Haven't seen you in a while and hope everything is going well!! I'd LOOOVE for some Annie's salad dressing. hehehe
Haven't tried that flavor before!
My guess is 81!
Hope all is well with you!
OK, you twisted my arm.
Wanna enter the baby food giveaway on my blog? ;)
I'm going to take the high road - 122
no wait 105 and i don't want to be anonymous do i?
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