Congratulations to Sarah from NoWheyMama!!! Coincedentally 4 is my favorite number! I was excited to see it pop up and also that it's one of my favorite bloggers! Sarah, e-mail me your address at christina at dinneratchristinas dot com and I'll pre-order your cookbooks to arrive later in October when they're released. (I might accidentally have to order myself copies too!)
Speaking of contests, Laura's Best Foodie Foto voting is underway today and tomorrow. I have two photos entered, so go check it out and vote!
And, in super exciting news, I had a blogger meet-up at my house earlier today with Biz of Biggest Diabetic Loser, Mara of What's for Dinner?, and Michelle of Lucky Taste Buds! I was so excited to meet them and they all brought some amazing things to share at our little potluck. I'll post a full update about it tomorrow, with recipes for the things I made to follow in upcoming posts!Thanks for coming guys!
You were the best hostess Christina - thanks so much for having us over - look for my sausage dinner later this week - be sure to tell you Dad that I LOVED his hot sauce! :D
I can't believe it! You got to meet 3 FREAKING AMAZING bloggers! I love Biz and Mara has a fabulous blog and Michelle is AWESOME! And of course there's YOU!! ARGH! Can't believe you're coming to DC and I'm all the way over here! T___T
AAAHHH! Happy almost birthday to me! I was having kind of a grumpy morning, but not anymore. Thank you so much!
Sorry I couldn't make it Christina! I hope to meet you some other time!!
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