I know you're all dying to know (har har) who won the giveaway!
There was a whopping 172 entries, but lucky #40 popped up!
There was a whopping 172 entries, but lucky #40 popped up!

Which happened to be Micco of xveganx party! Congratulations Micco!
I remember when your comment came through my email because your sass made me giggle out loud!! I think you're the first person to ever comment on my "All commenters will receive an 8 x 10 autographed, glossy photo of me in the mail" joke.

Email christina at dinneratchristinas dot com with your mailing address and I'll pass it on to Alisa from One Frugal Foodie and GoDairyFree.Org!
Thanks again, Alisa and to everybody for entering! It was definitely a new, fun way to celebrate my birthday! I loved hearing when all of your birthdays were. Nobody shared my birthday exactly, except for one commenter's husband, and one commenter whose was the day before mine!
Cutest. couple. costumes. EVER.
Happy Halloween :)
I love the costumes!! No wonder you guys won!
Happy Halloween!
Is that you?! AMAZING costume! But I think you look a bit too beautiful! lol!
Thanks, everybody!!
Yep, Sophia that's me and Johnny. I thought Medusa was supposed to be super beautiful to lure in the guys to turn them to stone! ;)But after reading the wiki page I referenced, I see there's a debate of whether she was beautiful or ghastly. Whoops! Perhaps I should have smeared on makeup and ugly warts, instead of dolling myself up! ;)
I love those costumes! Happy Halloween to you :) Congrats to the winner.
That's an amazing costume!
happy halloween :)
fun costume idea... and happy belated b-day
GREAT costume!
ahhhh NO WAY!! Medussa!?!? how creative!! You are totally 100% rocking the costume Christina. Awesome and original. Needless to say, I'm sure you and J had a faaabulous Halloween?? (did you go around to the neighbors house to try to scare the cr*p out of them??) :P
hehe nope Michelle we only wore those Thursday night. I wore this to pass out candy: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=4056569&l=b30d9ca8da&id=500223081
The photo thing was a joke?!?! What am I going to put next to my Richard Gere 8 x 10??!?!?
p.s. Totally indescribably effin stoked and emailing you right now!
you guys look AWESOME!!!!! love the costumes!!
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