Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Two FYIs

I have a guest post on Maggie's blog today! I found her through 101 Cookbooks and love her blog, so offered to do a guest post! For you very faithful readers, you'll recognize the recipe from way, way back, just a few weeks after I started my blog. But, I love it - so don't mind featuring it again!

Also, thanks to Mark for hosting last week's BSI-eggs! I don't blame him for choosing Ruth's egg roll! As soon as I saw that I was just shocked at the genius and creativity of it! What a great, great way to add eggs to your breakfast, in a healthy and fun way! Ruth was also chosen as the host for this week, and chose Avacadoes!!!! Yum, another great one! So head on over to Ruth's blog, to read more about this great fruit, and what the cool prize is!

1 comment:

MC said...

Thanks for letting me host! That was really fun! Maybe I'll submit an avocado recipe! haha