White elephant gifts are those that you were given and cannot use yourself. Why hang onto something that isn't your style, when somebody else might love it!? Green because we're re-using something and giving it a new, appreciative home instead of letting it go to waste!
I loved the idea and emailed Laura the answers to the 5 questions she asked of all participants so we'd know each other a little better. In a few days I was given my recipient, Cole of All the Small Stuff! A new blogger I'd never heard of, so I was excited. Off I tip-toed to her blog and spent a few days reading and getting to know her better. She's a really sweet girl with adorable puppies, amusing, endearing stories, and friendly recipes! I packaged up a box for her and her puppies and sent it on its way! You'll have to head on over to her blog to see what I gave her!
Now, lucky me, somehow scored Laura as MY exchange benefactor! I got my box the same day as my giveaway win, but had to keep quiet about it until now! Boy, was that tough!
Corky received two bags of Newman's Own doggie treats from Laura's dog, Cami! I tried desperately to capture a picture of him as I opened these and brought them in the kitchen to no avail. He kept turning out as a little blur of energy as he jumped, sat and pawed wildly, and did his signature "spin" for a trick. He knew there was something in it for him, clearly!
Now, let's focus on this for a minute! When I first opened the box, I saw a wrapped present that said "To: Johnny, From: Laura" I tossed it to him to open and after getting over the excited confusion that he got something out of it, too, he opened to find this! The knork! I instantly knew what it was. In case you don't know, here's the explanation:
Get it!? Like a knife built into a fork = knork! Fantastic! I knew what it was because I was contemplating getting it for him! I'm telling you - MIND-READING ABILITIES! I even had it bookmarked, I'm not pulling your legs!

(Yes, I know I have odd categorizing for my bookmarks, but hey, it works for me! ie: "shopping" is the folder where I put cool sites for future reference, or specific items I have in mind for people's gifts.)
Thank you so much, Laura! Not only for hosting this fun exchange, but also for being my gift giver! It was such a blast to participate in, and I got to swap a box of not-so-me goodies for a box of eerily-perfect goodies!
So jealous! What a great great idea this was. I guess I'll have to wait till next year!
that's so cool. love your gift!
Wow, what an awesome array of gifts! And so sweet that Laura thought to include both Corky and Johnny! :)
This was so much fun - and, you're right, my gifts were eerily perfect as well.
Happy Holidays!!
YEAH! I am so glad you liked your goodies:) I loved being able to pass on some blogher swag my kitchen is FULL.
Merry Christmas and thanks for playing along!
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