Merry Christmas!

Here's our Christmas picture from this year, if you didn't receive one in the mail! (The one from last year is here.)

And here's a holiday meme I stole from Swistle!
Eggnog or hot chocolate? I like both, depends on the mood.
Does Santa wrap the presents or leave them open under the tree? Wraps! I've never heard of an open present under the tree!
Colored lights on a tree or white? White lights inside, colored lights outside. (Don't ask me why, I just feel strongly that's how it should be!)
Do you hang mistletoe? No, but I want to get nice looking fake stuff!
When do you put your decorations up? Usually by the first week in December.
What is your favorite holiday dish? You're asking a food blogger to pick a favorite dish?! I like the traditional Italian dishes we serve on Christmas Eve. If I had to pick, I'd say baked ziti.
Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? In my family we open ALL presents on Christmas Day! Johnny's family celebrates on Christmas Eve, so all presents are opened then.
How do you decorate your Christmas tree? White lights, solid colored bulbs, and an LED color-switching star on top. There's a few hand-made ornaments on there, too, courtesy of my crafty talents.
Snow: love it or hate it? I guess growing up always dreaming for snow makes you love it. Unless I have to drive and it's actively super blizzardly, I really have no problem with snow!! Chicagoland is really good about plowing and salting, so the roads are always safe, taking away that factor. Otherwise, it looks beautiful and in the Spring when it starts to melt I really miss it because our town has never looked so ugly. The world just looks prettier covered in snow!
Can you ice skate? Yes I can! We go to a little rink our town has set up and rent $2 ice skates!
What is your favorite holiday dessert? Again, you're asking me to choose a favorite food!? I love an assortment of traditional cookies I grew up with both sides of my family making.
What is your favorite holiday tradition? I really like turning all of the radios (shower, cars, alarms) to the Christmas station so I can listen to Christmas music where ever I am. Also, the Christmas movies that play on TV like Rudolph, A Charlie Brown Christmas, and A Christmas Story.
Candy canes: yum or yuck? To be honest I haven't eaten a candy cane in forever. They started to get out of hand a few years ago with crazy flavors and candies and colors and I think I lost interest. I like traditional stuff, so that just seemed un-Christmassy to me.
Favorite Christmas show? show!? I'm going to assume you meant "movie" and I'll answer Holiday Inn!
What a cool picture!
Merry Christmas!
i still love that picture - so creative!
Merry Christmas Christina and J!
Cute Q&A!! Merry Christmas! Thanks again for the card. You are a sweetheart. I have enjoyed getting to know you the last couple of months!
Hee hee, which is your fave Christmas song? I love "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch."
hehe!1 loving the pic!! hope ye had a wonderful Christmas!! wish you and yours a very happy new year 2010! :)
Thanks guys! :)
Fav. Christmas song is Little Drummer Boy, I love the beat in the background- gets me everytime! Also last year during The Office when Angela held her hands like an opera singer and sang it so seriously... love it!!!
oh that's such a creative christms card!
i loved that picture! it looked so awesome!
i have not done our holiday cards yet.. i think i may have to skip them this year.. file away all my addresses.. lol
love the survey!!! hope you got everything you wanted for christmas!!!
Hi Christina! Happy Holidays! I've taken a few weeks off from blogging, but I am back.
Now to catch up on everyone's posts!!
Have a Happy New Year!
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