Believe it or not I don't have any cookware that can go from stove to oven and I don't have any bakeware with a lid to roast in! I'm excited for all of the possibilities this Rachael Ray pot will open up for me! Not to mention add a bright splash of my favorite color green to our kitchen!
Ally of Sweet & Savory awarded me with the Happiness Award! Thank you, Ally! :)

1) The snow finally melting! I am more than ready for some sunshine and green!
2) My cousin Taylor is coming to stay with me for her Spring Break and we get to hang out and have fun!
3) This semester is half done so that means half done with Macroeconomics!
4) I got my grades from last semester - all A's!
5) I took a leap and ordered a bathing suit and I absolutely LOVE it and feel great in it!
6) Johnny and I have been trying to work out regularly - together!
7) Sunday nights because I can watch The Amazing Race (love the cowboys this season)!
8) My camera to take pictures of people, animals, and food!
9) Facebook to keep in touch with family and friends and upload said pictures!
10) Hugs from Johnny!
Wow, that was harder than expected since I did it a few weeks ago and didn't want to repeat anything! Instead of passing it onto 10 bloggers I'm going to pass it onto all readers to leave a comment telling me one thing that makes you happy!
I dyed my hair! It's just a 28 shampoo wash out kind called Cinaberry. On my hair it ends up sort of dark auburn, with bright flecks of red in the light. Just a little something-something to help chase away the last of the winter blues! (Please ignore our ugly beat-up bathroom in the background.)
My cousin Anne-Marie is hosting a give-away for a bunch of Amazing Grass products, which I told you guys the benefits of a few weeks ago! Head on over and enter!
I think we're all caught up now! There will be food posted again soon, I promise!
Oooh, such pretty hairs ... and that pot is pretty too! LOL
Seriously, I love the color of your hair. Its the color I've always wanted and can't achieve because my natural color is too dark, almost black. It looks gorgeous! :)
Today, the sun is making me happy. Its cold and windy, but at least the sun is shining. :)
Thanks Diva! My hair is almost black too but luckily I have enough natural highlights that it takes to this color. The funny thing is, I discovered it b/c my best friend's mom dyed her lighter hair w/ it and HATED it! I thought it looked great, just too bright - so tried it on my hair and I love it!
Your welcome for thw award! Today I'm thankful that it is almost over....yep, one of those days:(
Love the new color! And congrats on your award...you deserve it!
Something that makes me happy...North Carolina beaches in May. :)
nice job with the all A's!
I went red last fall, love love it...thankfully I'm getting my roots done tomorrow!
Love the color! I like that color for people like us with dark brown hair!
My awesome veggie burger made me happy today :)
Funny, the one time I had red hair, it happened because I was using a "lightening" product called "Sun In". The first time I did it, I couldn't notice much difference, so I did it a second time the next night and WOW my black hair was like a new cooper penny! LOL
I really liked it, but my husband (my boyfriend at the time) didn't. Eventually I dyed it back to black.
What I really want now is a couple of really bright red streaks! :)
Love the hair Christina!!
You can try my bread that's cooked in a dutch oven - although you may want to wait - it really darkens the inside of your dutch oven, but its just seasoned - my Mom looked at my dutch oven and said "shouldn't you throw that out??!!" It was only 2 months old!
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