My mom and I are on a mission to make a bunch of extra cash for the wedding. So we've cleared out her many attics and closets, and gone to an auction or two, and hit up some yard sales and thrift stores.
We set up banquet and folding tables in the extra bedroom to organize everything for easy access.
There's stuff on top of the tables, and also under in baskets and boxes.
I even moved my computer in here for easy listing!! It's on a little makeshift desk. I have markers, measuring tape, my scale, and everything within easy reach!
For the past three weeks anytime we aren't working, we've been eBaying. It takes so much time to research the items you have to see what they are and how much they're worth listing. Then you need to photograph them, write descriptions, and weigh for shipping.
I have added an eBay widget on the right hand side of the blog, under my profile to keep up with the action!!
I've also been finalizing some wedding stuff lately, since we're now under the 5 month mark!!! It's so crazy to think in 4 months and a few weeks I'll be getting married!
I'll update soon with wedding details and add it to the wedding tab too!
How would you say your ebay business has done? This is something I've been thinking about trying but I'm kind of hesitant. Any thoughts?
I wouldn't quit my job for it - but it's a nice little extra 2nd income. It's a LOT of work. Imagine setting up a yard sale, but instead of just sticking a price on the item you have to photograph and research each thing you put out for sale.
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