Brussel sprouts are a love them or hate them food. The reason most people hate them is the common way of cooking them is to boil until tender. This usually results in overcooking, which releases sinigrin, which smells and tastes like sulphur. Bleck. I've seen many a cooking show that stresses a light cooking process until they are wilted or lightly steamed, which doesn't allow sinigrin to pronounce itself so greatly.
If you hate them, give them another try and cook them properly! The absense of sulphur-like scents and tastes just might change your mind!
brussel sprouts (5-6 per person)
2 cloves garlic
1 Tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup white wine
3 Tbsp pine nuts
salt and pepper to taste
Serves 3 as a side dish
To start, remove the outermost leaves of the brussel sprouts and wash them under cold water. Cut off the bottom of the stem and then slice the sprouts very thinly, as if you were shredding lettuce or cabbage. (Johnny walked in at this point and admitted to never eating or seeing brussel sprouts in his life, and his answer was "Barbie lettuce" when I challenged him to guess what they were.)
I call them a success because Johnny really liked them! They were also the perfect accompaniment to the ribs and teeny tiny potatoes.
OOOH i LOVE brussels sprouts cooked like that!!!!
My husband won't go near them no matter how I prepare them (bad childhood boiled veggies memories perhaps?), but I may have to try this shredded technique, as he might not recognize them. Thanks Christina!
Alright - I may have to give sprouts another try! My MIL loves them!
Hope you are having a great weekend! :D This weather is awesome!
We have a recipe like this that we love! It uses pecans and, um, bacon. :)
Oh man that looks fantabulous!!! I love brussel sprouts but used to hate them cuz they tasted too bitter to me. Now I’ve come to appreciate the bitterness and think it’s one of the best veggies around. Your recipe looks fantastic!!! It avoids the “whole vegetable” bitterness and looks gourmet….I never even thought to slice them up like shredded cabbage, but now I know!! Great ideas Christina!!!
oh man.. i seriously think that brussell sprouts are the only veggie i absolutely just cant force myself to buy no matter what!
these look pretty good, but im still scared! lol
I LOVE brussel sprouts - esp roasted. This recipe sounds awesome! Must try sometime! :)
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