In the meantime, I really need your help. My brother Michael's cat is really sick and needs an expensive surgery. Even if you can only give $1 or $2, any little bit helps. He really loves this cat and has traveled with it back and forth from California to North Carolina several times with kitty in tow.
To give with any credit cards or PayPal click here.

Thank you SO much to everybody that donated. I saw a few of your names on the contributor list and it warmed my heart. You guys are great!

My brother and his friends thank you again - they know they would have lost him without all of your generosity to help afford the procedures!
Another update:
The kitty had his 2nd vet check-up and everything seems to be holding strong. He is still on prescribed medicine and will remain on the prescribed food. He seems to be healing and making a great recovery!
Thanks to those who asked donated and asked about him!
Oh no! I'll donate when I get home (we are blocked here at work)
Poor Kitty!!!
Hope he's on the mend soon just like you are now!!
I donated - wish it could have been more! :D
Hope you are finally feeling better!
Thank you both!!! XOXO I really appreciate it and I know my brother and kitty do too!
Damn! Is it too late to donate??? If so, please email me with your address and I'll send something by mail to help! Glad you are feeling better.
Damn! Is it too late to donate??? If so, please email me with your address and I'll send something by mail to help! Glad you are feeling better.
Hi Christina, no need to email...paypal is figured out and my donation is done. Best wishes to you, Michael and the lovely Scabrine!!!
Oh, poor kitty! I had 3 cats growing up, so I know how hard it is when pets are sick . . .
Hey Christina, howz kitty ? pls update it.-rajasree from india.
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