Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blueberries and Sour Cream

Johnny grew up eating this dish as a sweet snack. A little while after I moved in he offered to make it for me. I said yes and expected a small pile of blueberries with a little sour cream to dip in.

What he brought me was a massive bowl of blueberries completely smothered in sour cream. Uhhhhh...? I remember looking up at him as he handed it to me, thinking this had to be a joke?! He just smiled back and told me to try it.

I shrugged and went in for the first bite. Wow! It was some seriously good stuff and I've been addicted ever since. If we have blueberries on hand, we better have a tub of sour cream, too!

Now, I know what you're thinking - "sour cream!?" But this isn't sour cream in its natural form, it's sweetened and trust me, it completely changes the taste and the texture.

1/4 cup sour cream (we favor Breakstone's because it is whey-free and very thick)
1-2 tsp sugar, to taste
1/2 cup blueberries

In a small bowl mix the sour cream and sugar together until it is well incorporated. Johnny prefers his a little more tart, while I add a bit more sugar. Stir well and the sour cream will become silky smooth, changing consistency. Taste for desired sweetness and you won't believe that it's still sour cream! Fold in the fresh blueberries and enjoy!!


Ally's Sweet and Savory Eats said...

Hmm...I've never seen a sweet treat like this one! I just might have to try it!

Jeanette said...

I love all things blueberry. You got my mouth watering.

Christo Gonzales said...

well in cold northern regions they sweeten lard and call it ice cream so this is actually a step up - I would try it and probably like it.

Kristen @ Change of Pace said...

I've never thought to use sour cream for something sweet. Usually I use it for savory things... That is an amazing idea. Thanks for sharing! :)

sophia said...

Okay, when you said blueberries and sour cream, I was thinking, a small dollop of sour cream, like whipped cream on top of blueberries. And then I see THAT. Wow, that was totally unexpected. But I gotta try it!

(Have you tried sour cream with scrambled eggs?! So good!)

Laura said...

Much too fat to indulge in such a treat. Someday I will! Someday!

You must come to blogher food!!

Molly said...

huh, I haven't see that combo before, but never say never!

I've seen your blog pop up twice in the last two days, so I had to drop by and give it a read, great blog!

The Diva on a Diet said...

This isn't that much different from the berries I pop into my greek yogurt ... I'll bet its delicious!

A@ Please Don't Eat Me! said...

fresh and easy!! : )
looks delish and the perfect way to get sweet stuff in without going overboard..

oh thanks for telling me about the recipe.. im a dope, i didnt even think of that! lol

Maggie said...

This sounds so good! I am definitely a fan of sweet things like this.

Anonymous said...

My father used to make this when I was a kid and I love it to this day! I wonder where it originated. He was born and raised in NYC as was I. Surprised almost no one on here has ever heard of it. It’s so good!

Anonymous said...

I was also raised in NYC & ate this as a child, as did my mom, she was born 1940s.