Happy Friday everybody from North Carolina! Corky, Poe, and I made the trip in 2 days, breaking the 16 hour trip into two 8 hour drives.

first for this week is eating
fresh plums from my mom's fruit trees right in my parents' yard! She planted these a few years ago while I still lived at home, but they never produced fruit until the past couple years. Right now there are peaches, pears, and plums growing just a few steps from the back deck!

The plums are really tiny and not that dark, but believe me - they are so juicy and sweet!

Now it's your turn to tell me about
your first! To participate in Friday Firsts create a blog post featuring a "first" of yours. Next, link that blog post below and tell us about it!
If you don't have a blog or a specific post to link to please tell us about your first in the comment section! Any and all participation is welcome!If you would like to display the Friday Firsts button as a badge in your post or on your side bar, you can copy and paste the following code:
WOW!! fresh plums those look so freaking great! I love the size too perfect for a little snack :)
I posted my canning tutorial(plus cookbook giveaway)
I like your "Friday Firsts" feature! Mine is making ice cream without a machine for the first time, and it was amazing. I used a recipe from pastry whiz David Lebovitz.
Nice looking plums, I like them but don't eat them too often! Thanks!
Oh man, there's nothing like fresh fruit! I'm so glad you get to enjoy it, Christina!
Glad you made it there Christina!
I didn't make a post about it, but I had something for the first time....Broccoli. Now, I've eaten it with other things, but have NEVER just steamed it and eaten it, and you know what? I liked it! I just got one of those frozen bags, steamed it in the microwave and put a little olive oil and fresh parmesan cheese and it was delish!
Wow, Jenn I can't believe you've never had plain broccoli before! I love it, Johnny and I eat it plain a lot. I'll have to try it w/ the olive oil and parm cheese!!
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