Before I moved in with Johnny he was a bachelor for eight comfortable years.
Three of those years he didn't even
have a kitchen, because he'd torn it out for remodeling. His food prep area consisted of a microwave in a spare bedroom. Needless to say, he ate take out a lot.
Much has changed since then.

used to have all white dishes.

used to have a small bag of flour he kept in a ziploc bag. It was his only baking-related ingredient on hand.

used to have maybe 10 utensils,
This drawer
used to be full of candy.

This cabinet
used to be empty. Not one thing was in it.
(Hi Poe!!)
This closet
used to be empty, too. (Such a shame, really...)
How has your life changed since becoming a food blogger?
I love never know what's going to change your life...but you can always bet a Christina will do the job!! :D <3
Ha, that is too funny - my husband used to eat a lot of frozen pizzas and canned soup before we were married!
I love this post! It's a glimpse PAST cooking to your real life, sweet and simple. Love it!
ok weird-the word verification for this comment is...ANGER HAHAHAHA
This is a fun post. Before my husband and I lived together, the items in his bachelor fridge were milk (for cereal, the only thing in the cupboard) and occasional apple, juice and beer. His life (and mine!) have improved alot!
I take more pictures! Document more crazy recipe ideas and eat more adventurous food that I hadn't heard of before, though that one not as much :)
I never really go to the same restaurant twice (unless it's like super super good). My dishes and plates are as plain as possible. I've got random flours that I won in giveaways. I've got more kitchen utensils than I need. :)
This was a fun post!
Haha! Kitty in the cabinet. :) The kitchen starts to overflow with things, things, things. Pots, pans, books, utensils, ingredients, drinks, plates! It makes the kitchen feel like a real kitchen.
Yes, and his life used to be void of so much delicious food! I don't think he has a leg to stand on if he even slightly complains about any of it! :)
Not much has changed here, except that I am more intrigued with pretty dishese that photograph well and think a lot more about the recipe as I am making things. Oddly enough though, my cooking is getting faster than pre-blogging days!
I LOVE THIS POST! Also, I can verify this is TRUE! I remember trying to cook dinners my first visit. To say the least, the kitchen was sparse and a lot of make shifting was going on! Christina and I then went shopping, especially for utensils and a crock pot. Congratulations Christina on a well evolved kitchen. Hats off to Johnny for being receptive to this development.
PS Can you come and organize my kitchen?
Love, Mommy
I could never ever live without a kitchen! My life has changed because I need SO much more room to keep all the free food I get haha!
Haha! That is TOO funny :P It looks like you've certainly changed his life for the better! I can't imagine not having a stove ... or utensils ... or cookwater ... or a kitchen ...
My life hasn't really changed much, except my friends now all know to expect the camera ;)
Haha! He`s so lucky to have you remodel and refunction the spaces!
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