Happy Friday everybody! A few weeks ago Johnny and I stumbled upon a new restaurant, Pita Oven. Inside its humble strip mall storefront are three components. On one wall is a small restaurant counter where you can order food to eat there, or take to go. The opposite wall is a bakery with a huge open stone oven and a little man, crisply dressed in white, tirelessly cooking batch after batch of fluffy pitas. The center has a small grocery store of unique items and a few tables to eat at.
Being the gluttons that we are, we enjoyed all three - ordering food to go, purchasing a batch of the best pitas I've ever tasted (still warm) from the bakery, and buying a few things at the grocery to sample.
One was this candy, Turkish Delights. It's hard to describe. Kind of a gummy, jelly texture with hazelnuts in it, rolled in coconut. Not overly sweet, and nothing like anything I've ever had. It's not my favorite, but I wouldn't say it's bad. It just kind of tastes like "old people candy," if that makes sense.
Being the gluttons that we are, we enjoyed all three - ordering food to go, purchasing a batch of the best pitas I've ever tasted (still warm) from the bakery, and buying a few things at the grocery to sample.
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I have never had a turkish delight... makes me think of Lion Witch + Wardrobe :)
Oh yeah the lion with and the wardrobe-didn't he eat a lot of it? any I've never had it either and I can't say I really want to until MUCH later :D old people candy!
My posts are a vegetarian shells recipe and my bento giveaway
I love Turkish Delight! But you need to choose a good brand. Unfortunately, I don't know which is a good brand. I bought a $6 box of Turkish Delight and it was disgusting and I still have it, 3 months later.
Turkish delight always looks soooo good. I only ever tried it once, after I read the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe as a wee tot. All I remember is that I put it into the my mouth ... and promptly spat it out on the store display (I earned some nasty glances that day). Maybe I was too young to enjoy it, or maybe, like Sophia said, I needed to get a good brand. Hmm, perhaps I'll give it a try again :)
Great First, Christina!
Happy Friday Christina! :D
You can get turkish delight in all sorts of flavours over here - generally it is just dusted with icing sugar though. I'm not that keen on the kind with rosewater in it, but there is a mint version you can get in Buxton that is just amazing.
I'm sorry I don't have a first this week! Happy Friday anyway!!
I found you through Biz's blog! Love this idea and what a great way to learn about new foods!
LOVE Friday Firsts!!!! And love Turkish Delight! Have a great weekend Christina!!
Linked over from Biz's site and posted my first Friday First. Glad to have found your site!
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